Adult adhd


Do you have an ADHD diagnosis? 


Or maybe you’re waiting for a diagnosis or you suspect you might have ADHD.


Are curious to learn more about ADHD and how it shows up in your life? 

I work with diagnosed and undiagnosed adults with ADHD. 

In fact, the ratio of diagnosed to undiagnosed clients I work with is about 50/50. 

What can coaching give you?

ADHD coaching helps you shine a light on how ADHD is showing up in your life. 


I work 1:1 with clients to support them in learning about their ADHD in these main areas:

- Self-belief

- Rumination

- Focus and attention

- Self-compassion

- Procrastination

- Anxiety

- Perfectionism

- Self-doubt

- Career

- Big life decisions

- Supportive strategies tailored to each individual client and their needs and preferences.

“Siun has been blessed with a calming and non-judgemental presence that is evident immediately.  From our very first session, I felt completely relaxed and safe to explore my feelings, which was a huge relief.”

– Michelle, PhD

“I learn't that I'm not lazy I'm just overwhelmed and something is seriously wrong that I need to address. Not to abuse myself constantly in my thoughts. How to set boundaries in a healthy way so that I'm not taken advantage of by others. To speak my thoughts and worries aloud and that it's important not to hide your emotions and feelings. I really enjoyed working with Siun. I found it life changing.”
  - James - media professional